Empire total war map of qurope
Empire total war map of qurope

empire total war map of qurope

However, it is diplomatically rather isolated: historically friendly factions include Great Britain, France, and the Ottoman Empire-all too far away initially to be of much help. Sweden begins the game blessed with a strong starting army, an above average navy, and wealthy, large regions. Sweden is the only playable faction in the game to not receive any units from any downloadable content. It has a standard artillery and naval roster, with no strengths or weaknesses to speak of in this regard. Additionally, it can deploy the Hakkapeliita, armored early cavalry with unusually good defensive stats. Along with Prussia, Sweden is one of the only factions that can recruit Superior Line Infantry. It does have some pretty good line infantry as a whole (though its default line infantry are thoroughly average), and, uniquely for a major faction, enjoy a 25-33% (depending on unit type) regiment size boost for almost all cavalry regiments (although they have correspondingly higher recruitment and upkeep costs).

empire total war map of qurope

Sweden's roster is almost identical to the standard European roster. Starting Towns/Ports – Vidzeme Farmland (Peasant Farms), Narva (Coaching Inn), Reval (Craft Workshop Weavers).Religion – Protestantism 95.0%, Catholicism 5.0%.Starting Building – Governor’s Residence, Settlement Fortifications.Later Villages/Ports – Helsingfors (Port), Uleaborg (Village).Starting Towns/Ports – Pyhasalmi Mines (Not Developed), Kokkola Forests (Logging Camp), Lieska Trapper Post (Fur Trader), Vasa (Craft Workshop Smiths).Religion – Protestantism 90.0%, Animism 10.0%.

empire total war map of qurope

Later Villages/Ports – Konstradt (Port), Luga (Village).Starting Towns/Ports – Naziya Farmland (Not Developed), Kingisepp Forests (Logging Camp), Staraya Ladoga (Shipyard).Religion – Protestantism 30.0%, Orthodox 60.0%, Catholicism 10.0%.Starting Buildings – Army Encampment, Magistrate.Later Villages/Ports – Luleå (Village), Umeå (Port).Starting Towns/Ports – Fagersta Mines (Iron Mine), Vara Farmland (Not Developed), Kristineberg Mines (Silver Mine), Karlstad Forests (Logging Camp), Sundsvall (Logging Camp), Rovaniemi Trapper Posts (Fur Trader), Malmö (Trading Port), Gothenburg (Craft Workshops Smiths), Linköping (Craft Workshops Weavers), Uppsala (School), Karlstad (Coaching Inn), Visby (Fishing Fleet).Religion – Protestantism 95.0%, Animism 5.0%.Starting Buildings – Barracks, Governor’s Palace, Conservatorium, Cannon Foundry, Settlement Fortifications.Gentlemen – Christopher Polhem ( Sweden).General Information Victory Conditions Ĭapture and hold 15 regions by the end of the year 1750, including: Brandenburg, Norway, Poland, Muscovy, Sweden, Denmark, and IngriaĬapture and hold 25 regions by the end of the year 1799, including: Brandenburg, Norway, Poland, Muscovy, Sweden, Denmark, Ingria, Courland, and Karelia.Ĭapture and hold 40 regions by the end of the year 1799, including: Sweden. With a home empire secured, who is to say that an overseas empire cannot be taken and held too? Sweden’s armies are the equal of any in Europe, and her navy is not without resources and skill. There is no reason why the Baltic, as a Swedish “Mare Nostrum”, cannot become the basis of a new Northern, Protestant empire. Individually, Sweden’s rivals are not quite as threatening as they might appear: Russia is huge, that much is true, but incredibly backwards. In all these potential threats, however, lurk opportunities for those bold enough to seize the chance.

empire total war map of qurope

To the west, the other Scandinavian nations want independence or an end to Swedish domination of the Baltic. To the south, Poland-Lithuania wants its lost lands back. To the east, the Russians would like unhindered access to the Baltic, and therefore Western Europe beyond. Charles XI, however, has left an impressive arsenal in place for his son, should he wish to take up the sword and Charles XII has an obsessive interest in soldiering.Īs the new century dawns, Sweden is a strong, aggressive state, surrounded by jealous rivals from whom she has taken territory in the last hundred years. Neither of these commodities are available in abundance, and prudent stewardship has been necessary too. This military power did, however, cost money and Swedish lives. The nation emerged from that conflict immeasurably stronger in military terms, and able to invade its Baltic neighbours at will. Even though he died in battle at Luetzen in 1632, the army that he created helped Sweden profit from the seemingly endless religious struggles of the Thirty Years War. Sweden dominates Scandinavia and the Baltic, a Northern European empire that is the legacy of the incomparable warrior-king, Gustavus II Adolphus.

Empire total war map of qurope