Synplify pro error codes
Synplify pro error codes

synplify pro error codes

retiming, net splitting and driver replication) for timing need to be done after placement, not during synthesis. Physical synthesis is a dead feature for 3rd party tools, since it's long become clear that netlist modifications (i.e. If you look at Precision RTL Plus then you'll notice the feature list doesn't mention quality of results, but other things, like encryption, tool integration, analysis, etc. In most cases, it produces exactly the same results. Regarding the performance of Precision, I'm not aware of any benchmarks where it outperforms the other tools.

synplify pro error codes

Neither Precision nor Synplify are big money makers anymore, and they are pretty much static tools now. You can slice vertically and horizontally and create any number of panes in any imaginable arrangement. Create triggers for error, warn and fatal. Precision is gathering dust at a lot of companies, and Synplify is usually kept to a single license, reserved for compiling very difficult cores where an extra 5% timing margin is needed. Change the font to 14pt Source Code Pro Lite. News Releases are listed below in chronological order with the most recent one appearing first. We provide our users a constantly updated view of the entire world of EDA that allows them to make more timely and informed decisions. Over time, both Altera and Xilinx made a lot of progress in their toolset, to the point that they both became the default tool for their respective products. delivers the latest EDA industry commentary, news, product reviews, articles, events and resources from a single, convenient point. Back in the day, the Altera & Xilinx synthesis tools were somewhat lacking, and Mentor and Synplicity made good coin on upgrading synthesis tools.

Synplify pro error codes